*New Apartment Locating Web-Site Beat Classified ad Sites as Preferred
Apartment finding Method? *
A new service has landed at the Dallas / Fort Worth Rental market arena that
promises to take the stress out of apartment hunting. ApartmentsRentRebate.com
just launched this past month with the very strong promise to change the
apartment rental and the apartment hunting process. More streamline and
reduced times from weeks to days. If you�ve ever spent hours going
through classified
ad sites like Craigslist,
backpage, or others or other web based apartment listings websites. If after
driving around neighborhoods and or apartment complexes for days have
rendered you a little bitter, then change has arrived! No more
disappointments of apartments not available to see or to rent, no more
misleading information about apartment prices and features. The �Do it
yourself� just got easy.
It works like this: *�Do it Yourself�*
Logging in to their website at www.ApartmentsRentRebate.com you will
encounter a brand new look and approach to apartment locating service. It is
all very visual and self explanatory web site, many video tutorials that
explain the simple use. Fill in your name, email and move date and get
access* to a full featured, professional and complete apartment database
(Same one all the locators use). This is the real news ARR is bringing to
the marketplace; *a public interface of the apartment
* In other words when you ask ANY locator or real estate agents to find you
an apartment for rent, they use this database, then send you a list. The
only difference is: that after you see all the information about your target
apartments and selecting the ones that best fit your need, you need to call
the properties yourself (contact information IS provided) to verify actual
availability. That is for your moving date and price range.
Second method*: *�*Get it done For You�*
You fill out a detailed request form letting Apartmentsrentrebate.com staff
(licensed real estate agents- apartment locators) your specific need and
wants like date of move, price range and part of town you want to move too.
Next select how you want to be contacted: phone or email. Receive a
personalized list of *Available Properties* that fit *your* criteria. You
can then go see the apartments yourself or ask to be escorted; in both cases
it is 100% free. ARR makes its money from a referral fee paid by the
landlord or apartment community.
The business model is not all that new but the philosophy is! Real estate
agents always help with residential leasing but their main focus was and is
towards privately owned units like houses and townhome. Also not having
access to specific tools (Apartment Databases) for apartment complexes and
professionally managed communities it was never a real estate�s agent first
Apartments Rent rebate Inc. claims to be the new generation of Apartment
Locators aiming to give renter a Super Service and at an interesting cost:
Being the newest company on the market ARR has is giving an incentive to ALL
it clients in form of an *Apartment Rebate
*; Cash Back for any new apartment rented using their service of up to $350.
All you need to do is list Apartments Rent Rebate as the referring agent.
For more information about the company and their unique service contact by
email at: Info@apartmentsrentrebate.com or by phone @ 469-298-9278 using
their slogan�.See you in your New Apartment!
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